Film luteranina Coopera

Ignacy Antiocheński (35-108):

It is the flesh of our Redeemer Jesus Christ.

Justyn Męczennik (100-165):

We receive it not as common bread or as common drink, but we have been taught that it is the flesh and blood of the Incarnate Jesus.

Ireneusz z Lyonu (130-202):

The terrestrial bread went through the invocation of God it has been consecrated it is no more common bread but the Eucharist which consists of two constituents, the one earthly and the other heavenly.

Film Gavina Ortlunda

Cyryl Jerozolimski (Catechetical Lectures 22.6):

Contemplate therefore the Bread and Wine not as bare elements, for they are, according to the Lord’s declaration, the Body and Blood of Christ; for though sense suggests this to thee, let faith establish thee. Judge not the matter from taste, but from faith be fully assured without misgiving, that the Body and Blood of Christ have been vouchsafed to thee. (blog “moria”)